Week 4 – Tests

Hello folks,

this week we want to introduce you into our test environment. We set up some unit tests for our UCs which code you can see in our Repository. (be aware, that the first 560 lines of code is just the setup for the android Context, which is needed).

To unit test in Android you normally use Gradle, which we did as well. At the bottom of the gradle-file you can see our test implementation

ManageItems unit test

you can also find our test plan here.

Also we have added patch notes for our application, so you can always see our process beside the blog posts. We are also planning a test version of the app, which is maybe ready in start of june, so stay tuned 🙂

UPDATE: We added a pipeline, to automaticly test our application, before pushing it to our repo. It builds the app in a docker container, configures it with java and android and tests it.

Pipeline GitLab

EDIT: We have added some more tests:

Feel free to comment and share your ideas with us!
You’ll hear from us soon

3 Gedanken zu „Week 4 – Tests

  1. Hello Itemize,

    I can happily inform you that you’ll get full marks on this week’s blogpost:
    – there is a link to some of your test code
    – there is a link to your gradle file that integrates both your unit tests and espresso
    – there is a screenshot of your IDE running some tests
    – you linked and partially filled in the test plan.

    I like the patch notes. They allow someone to follow your progress without wading through all the blogposts.
    I wish you great success.

    Robin from SaSEp


  2. Hi there,

    as well a the previous poster, I am also quite happy with your blog post.
    The tests seem to work, are provided in code and there is quite well defined
    test spec in your repository. I also like your efforts to have it all running in a CI system.

    Sam from cozy


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